God Complex

Aug 20, 2023    Pastor Duane Butler

Do we have a God complex? It may be hidden as being helpful or being a good listener but when our will is executed over God's, we have crossed over into sin. Check yourself by going to God before you commit to helping, before agreeing to a task, and before you move into action. Ask God if it is His will. God is a big God and He can be God for you and others all at the same time. They don't need any little Gods. Here are 5 steps to purge a God complex.

1. Master the art of letting go; release control. Ask God to increase our faith while we expand our trust.

2. Stop working harder for others than they are for themselves.

3. Set boundaries on our help. Stop being an enabler helping and supporting others in their sin

4. Let our love ones take responsibility for their actions.

5. Matthew 16:24, stop putting down our own cross to pick up the cross of somebody else. Jesus commands us to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him.